Our Services
Our Services
While the practices of the firm are multi-various in nature, they are categorized into seven main areas of specialisation, which are listed as follows:
Urban and Regional Planning
This involves physical development planning and urban design for towns and cities, regions and local areas, preparation of Master Plan for universities, polytechnics and others, detailed layout for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional areas. Others include New Town Development, Recreational and Landscape Planning, Coastal Zone development as well as Erosion Control and Reforestation.
Transportation Planning and Management
This encompasses all aspects of management, planning and administration, finance, sales, marketing, personnel, training, legal, industrial relations and information management for all modes of transport.
Planning Advocacy
This involves making representation on behalf of our clients in the settlement of disputes at law courts, tribunals and arbitration panels on urban and regional planning related issues.
Environmental Impact Assessment
This is a feasibility test that must be passed before project execution and is required by law for any developer (Private or government) seeking permission for any major development such as commercial, industrial, recreational and even residential land in excess of 2 hectares.
Site Analysis
This involves identification, classification, analysis and selection of different sites at different locations for different/specific urban development projects to ensure that sites are best developed for the most suitable project.
Property Developments and Management
Management, administration, finance and development of real estates are the focus of our service in this area.
Project Management
The multidisciplinary nature of urban, regional and transportation planning projects requires that a good project management system be put in place for their successful implementation. Project Management involves a constant and consistent coordination of projects in an effective and efficient way such that the goals and objectives of such projects are achieved. The focus of a good project manager in the implementation of any project involves budgeting, costs control, schedules, resource allocation, technical quality and client – customer or public relation and evaluation and selection of other consultants/contractors for a project.
Other areas of the practice include:
Regional/District Planning and Socio-Economic Studies
- Socio-Economic Studies
- Investigation of infrastructural facilities
- Land use and Demographic Studies
- Housing and Urban Renewal Studies
Institutional Planning
- Educational Campus Planning
- Health Institutions Planning
Landscape Assessment and Planning
- Site Analysis and Planning
- Landscape Planning
- Planning Feasibility Reports
- Organisation and conduct of survey of physical facilities/inventory of infrastructures
- Training of planning Survey Assistants on Questionnaire Administration
- Urban and Regional Planning Manpower Need Identification, Selection, Training and Development